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Editors' note


Editors' note

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How to Cite:

Wisniewska, W. & Kassam, S. A., (2024) “Editors' note”, Bioscientist: The Salford Biomedicine Society Magazine 1(5). doi:


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the 5 th Issue of the Bioscientist Magazine, where we reflect on the ways in which bioscience contributes to the sustainable progression of our species and planet. In this issue, we embark on a journey to ‘’Sustaining Humanity’’ where each article sheds light into innovative research, ground-breaking technologies, and insightful perspectives that illuminate the path for a greener, healthier, and flourishing future.

This issue explores various career pathways, ranging from a Private Secretary in the UK government’s Department of Science, Research and Innovation to dentistry. We also explore the requirements of good professional practice and accountability in biomedical science leading to improved service provision. We elaborate on stem cells usage in multiple sclerosis research, COVID-19/Flu combination vaccines, plastic eating bacteria, using AI-prediction in biotechnology, xenotransplantation, and many more.

We are proud to feature our Biomedicine Society’s newest creation. ‘Biomedically Speaking…’ podcast started by Marriam Yaqoob. The project aims to take the learning beyond the lecture theatre and bring light to biomedicine hot-topics, careers, and opportunities, as well as connect our students with academics in an accessible and engaging way. Make sure to check it out, the podcast is available on our Instagram, TikTok, and even Spotify!

We extend our gratitude to our writers, researches, and professional contributors who have shaped this issue and provided thought-provoking content to inspire us to thrive for a sustainable tomorrow. We expanded our graphic design team to include Natalia Robak and Natalia Skorek, from the School of Arts and Media, with the team being led by Issue 4 designer Harriet Burrow. We thank them for their time, dedication, and talent, which has made this fantastic issue impossible to put down.

As always, we remain committed to delivering inspiring content designed to captivate you with the wonderful scientific community and everything it has to offer.

Thank you for joining us in exploring the vital theme of sustaining humanity!


Sara Alnasir Kassam & Wiktoria Wisniewska





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