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1,2,3…Testing...1,2,3… - The "Biomedically Speaking..." Podcast

Biomedicine Society

1,2,3…Testing...1,2,3… - The "Biomedically Speaking..." Podcast



Mariam Yaqoob discusses her BiomedSoc project designed to engage student learning and facilitate academic networking via the ''Biomedically Speaking...'' podcast. 

Keywords: biomedically speaking, podcast, academic network, collaboration, accessibility, student engagement, career advice, success support, interdisciplinary sciences, extracurricular project

How to Cite:

Yaqoob, M., (2024) “1,2,3…Testing...1,2,3… - The "Biomedically Speaking..." Podcast”, Bioscientist: The Salford Biomedicine Society Magazine 1(5). doi:


Hello, readers.

My name is Marriam Yaqoob. I’m a level 5 Biomedical Science student and the Secretary of the Salford Biomedicine Society.

I recently started the first ever Biomedicine Society podcast, called “Biomedically Speaking...”. The name of the podcast was picked by the Biomedicine Society members; there were multiple names put forward but “Biomedically Speaking…” got the most votes. “Biomedically Speaking…” seeks to build the Salford community by connecting students with academics, alumni, and external stakeholders in an accessible and engaging way.

On the podcast, the invited guests give an insight into different topics related to biomedicine. Alumni and current students give personal advice, as well as hints and tips to help new and existing students meet the challenges of university life. Through “Biomedically Speaking…”, I wish to help new students know that they are not alone and build a support network with fellow students. I also wanted students to have someone they can relate to and understand that even though, at times, university can be overwhelming and scary, there's always someone out there.

The very first episode of the podcast involved an interview with Dr Arijit Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor in Precision Health at the University of Salford. He discussed his film, his career, gene editing and so much more. Through the podcast, students learnt about the struggles Dr Arijit went through to get to where he is now; this meant no sugar-coating the hardships. At one point, Dr Arijit was rejected from seven job applications in one go; all this was necessary in his path to success. Dr Arijit gave advice to his younger self and students that they should be open to the idea of trusting their gut feeling, emphasising how it was okay to fail as failing is a part of success.

When I was appointed as Secretary, I really wanted students to see a friendlier side to the professors and have an understanding of the degree they have enrolled themselves onto. I also really like being in front of the camera (I always wanted to be a movie star as crazy as that sounds), so this was like a calling to me.

My aims with “Biomedically Speaking…” is to bring to light the vast range of biomedicine-aligned topics of interest, careers and opportunities, but also the interdisciplinary nature of the future of science. With this in mind, the podcast will include a diverse range of guests from across the sector and beyond. As much as I enjoy creating the podcast, I want other society members to get in on the fun, by tuning in, joining in with the conversations and making suggestions for future podcast episodes. This is our chance to take our learning and growth far beyond the lecture theatre!

I also want everyone to see that university can be so much fun, alongside studying, extracurricular projects and getting to know the people around you will enrich our university experience. This will also be an excellent insight to the future committee members that the society can be so much more fun and so many opportunities are open for you once you take on a role. As scary as the role of the Secretary might’ve been when I first started, I’ve honestly had so much fun with building connections, strengthening many skills, and starting this unique project!

The podcast is available on several platforms such as the Society’s Instagram and TikTok . The podcast is now live to stream on Spotify . Any feedback or suggestions for new guests or topic discussions are welcome; please feel free to reach out and email me at .




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