
Simon Says

Author: Ellie-Jai Bagshaw (University of Salford)

  • Simon Says


    Simon Says


How to Cite:

Bagshaw, E., (2023) “Simon Says”, Grit: The Northern School of Writing Journal 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.57898/salwriters.97



Published on
01 Nov 2023

Simon says raise your right hand

Simon says put your right hand down

Simon says raise your left hand

Put your left hand down

Haha! Got you! Simon didn’t say!

Okay let’s try again

Simon says cross your arms

Uncross them

Got you again! Simon didn’t say!

You need to make sure you listen to Simon

Simon is in charge here, not you

Simon says smile, show your teeth, look pretty, show your worth!

Simon says pull that dress down, everyone will think you’re a whore

Simon says wear something sluttier, everyone will think you’re a prude

Simon says come on, loosen up

Simon says show some skin!

Why won’t you listen to Simon?

Simons in charge, not you!

You need to listen more!

Simon says you don’t know how to listen?

Simon says you’re slacking behind everyone else

Simon says you’re worthless

Simon says don’t cry, you’ll ruin your makeup

Simon says you’re only desirable with that pretty little makeup on

Don’t stop now!

Don’t stop!

Why are you stopping!

I said don’t stop!

Did Simon say stop?

No, so keep going!

You’re a pretty little bitch

Simon says you’re a pretty little bitch

Simon says say thank you

Simon says use your manners

You chose to play this game, now you’re complaining?

You’re ruining it for everyone else!

Simon says stop ruining it for everyone else!

Stop ruining it for everyone who’s trying!

You’re not trying!

Try harder!

Do better!

I don’t care if Simon didn’t say, Simon told you to do it so you do it!

Good girl

Simon says you’re a good girl.